Principal’s Desk

Message from the Principal

Dr. Samadhan B. Dahikar
M.SC., PH.D., MBA (Human Resource) (PRINCIPAL)
Phone: +91 9130191301

We need to equip today’s generation with enough armory to be tomorrow’s powerful global citizens, and that’s exactly what Sanjivani Arts, Commerce and Science College has been set up for. With a firm foundation and proper grooming, the students and researchers here will not just take education but multi-disciplinary global research thinking. They will function differently and operate on an evolved level. They will be ready for the new India.

To fulfil the vision, we provide an environment in which every student discovers and realises his full potential. Our aims are to attract the best talent—students, teachers, and facilitators—from all parts of India. To set standards for raising a knowledgeable, well balanced and responsible generation of lifelong learners possessing the skills and attitudes necessary to positively influence society.

Our college has been performing excellently in all facet of education and the overall personality development of students. However, the dynamism in knowledge and the availability of newer information poses a challenge in maintaining the required currency of knowledge, which calls for continuous up gradation of your competency.

I assure you that Sanjivani will always remain the foremost temple of learning, where there are equal opportunities for all so that they rise to their fullest potential.”