Rules and Regulations of the College

Rules and Regulations of the College

  1. Students are expected to be in right time in college and in classroom. Late in class means no class for whole day and the student will be marked absent.
  2. Every student must wear Identity Card and present whenever asked by any authority within the campus. In case of loss of I-card, it must immediately be reported to administrative staff and a fine of Rs.100/- will be levied for issuing of a duplicate card. The student has to get it re-issued immediately.
  3. Ragging is banned on the institute campus. Anyone found guilty of ragging and /or abetting ragging is liable to be punished as per the directive of the UGC and Govt. Any incident of ragging will be dealt with seriously. The culprits will be dismissed from the institute immediate basis and a case will be filed with the local police authorities.
  4. The institute prohibits political activities on the campus and forbids students from conducting and attending political meetings within the institute campus.
  5. Minimum 75% attendance is must for Placements and Exams eligibility shall be communicated separately by Institute at the time of commencement. Students are required to take prior permission from the director for being absent for regular classes. The student has to submit a medical certificate from a registered practitioner in case of sick leave. Absence without permission will be treated as unauthorized absence.
  6. Damage to the property of Institute and its sister Institutes like tampering with fixtures, fittings, equipment’s, instruments, furniture, books, periodicals, walls, window panes, vehicles etc. will be taken seriously and is likely to result in recovery of the cost of damage and instant expulsion of the defaulting student / students from the Institute.
  7. Students shall compulsorily wear the prescribed institute uniform on all working days except Wednesday and Saturdays. The formal attire reflects professionalism.
  8. Smoking and consumption of alcohol, chewing of Tobacco, Gutkha in the Institute premises is strictly prohibited.
  9. The official mode of communication with the students of the Institute will be the college notice board, WhatsApp, email and the website of the institute. As such, the students are expected to read the notice board and visit the website regularly. The Institute shall not accept any responsibility for loss caused due to negligence of students, of not seen the Notice.
  10. All the students are expected to behave professionally within campus, show respect and work decently in the Institute. Be polite and respectful towards each other.
  11. If the teacher is absent, the class Representative should inform the academic coordinator for an alternative arrangement.
  12. Students are bound by the rules and regulations framed by the Institute from time to time. Any violation of the rules or an act of indiscipline on the part of the student shall result in disciplinary action leading to dismissal from the Institute.
  13. No Society or Association shall be formed in the Institute and no person will be invited to address a meeting without prior permission.
  14. No student shall communicate any information or write about matters dealing with the Institute administration to the Press.
  15. Students should take responsibility of their belongings and should not carry any expensive things in college. No ornament of any sort is allowed within campus. The Institute is not responsible for lost property. However, Student may make a claim for lost property at the office, if it is deposited in the Institute Office.
  16. The students have to meet their regular basis and keep them updated in regards to their performance and any other issues.
  17. Students receiving Government or Institute Scholarships or any remission in fees, must note that the grant and continuance thereof are subject to good behavior, regular attendance and satisfactory progress and good results at the Institute and University Examinations.
  18. All Institute activities are organized under the guidance and supervision of the Director and Professor In-Charge as Mentor /Coordinator.
  19. Each student has to participate in all relevant activities, events, competitions with prior permission from the HOD, as overall grooming will happen only after participation in such activities.
  20. Disciplinary action will be taken against students found carrying and/or using cell phones /mobile during any sessions or meetings.
  21. Students joining the Institute are bound by the rules and regulations of the Institute.
  22. The Director is the ultimate disciplinary authority in the institute